

























Résultats 81 - 90 de 215

مشروع جامعة ولاية نيويورك - الباني في مساعد القطاع العام على إنشاء نظم معلوماتية - النظام المعلوماتي لإدارة شؤون الموظفين - برنامج الموازنة البلدية للبلديات الخاضعة لقانون المحاسبة العمومية: دليل المستخدم

2003 - IT/a03/1 - مركز الدراسات التشريعية في جامعة نيويورك/ألباني

مقدمة كيفية تشغيل النظام الفصل الأول: الأدوات المستخدمة الفصل الثاني: إدارة البرنامج 1. لوائح الرموز 2. الحسابات 3. عمليات الإلغاء 4. وقف العمل بسنة الموازنة 5. أصحاب الصلاحيات 6. تغيير كلمة السر 7. تصدير قاعدة العمليات الفصل الثالث: إعداد الموازنة الفصل الرابع: تنفيذ الموازنة الفصل الخامس: حركات الموازنة الفصل السادس: حسابات الخزينة الفصل السابع: القاعدة الإثنا عشرية الفصل الثامن: التقارير 1...

Information Society Profiles for Western Asia 2003: Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Oman - Palestine - Qatar - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Syrian Arab Republic - United Arab Emirates - Yemen

2003 - IT/b03/1 - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Information Society Profiles for Western Asia 2003 - National Profiles of the Information Society - Kingdom of Bahrain - 1. Legal and Regulatory Frameworks - 2. ICT Infrastructure - 3. ICT Capacity-Building - 4. Building the ICT Sector - 5. Applications in Government Establishments - 6. Applications in Education - 7. Applications in Commerce and Business - List of Annexes - 1. Information...


2003 - IT/03/6 - ESCWA

E –Government enablers - What has been achieved towards an E-government status? - The road ahead - Evolution of Lebanese E-Government projects - The Lebanese E-Government Strategy

Available in English: E-Government Strategy for Lebanon- Executive Summary Version

2002 - IT/02/2

1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. The Lebanese E-Government Vision 4. Underlying Principles of The E-Government Strategy 5. National Focal Point For E-Government Strategy Attainment 6. Key Players in The Public And Private Sectors 6.1. Central Government Bodies 6.2. Ministries and Autonomous Agencies 6.3. Mouhafazats and Municipalities 6.4. Embassies, Consulates and Missions Abroad...

Available in English: E-Government Strategy for Lebanon- Final Detailed Version

2002 - IT/02/4

Preface 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. The Lebanese E-Government Vision 4. Underlying Principles of The E-Government Strategy 5. Benefits 6. National Focal Point For E-Government Strategy Attainment Module 1: Situation Analysis 7. Key Players in The Public and Private Sectors 7.1. Central Government Bodies 7.2. Ministries and Autonomous Agencies 7.3. Mouhafazats and...

National Identification Smart Card Project (Research Document and Presentation)

2002 - IT/02/5

1. Executive Summary 2. Definition and Benefits 3. Different Types of Cards 4. Security Measures From Different Smart Cards Vendors 5. Infrastructure 6. Hardware Needed 7. Application Already Existing For Smart Cards 8. Approximate Cost and Source of Funding 9. National ID Cards in Other Countries 10. Suggested Scenario 11. Front Office Setup 11.1. National Web Portals 11.2. Governmental...

E-Government Smart Card

2002 - IT/02/6

Smart Card Definition Types of Smart Cards Proven Applications of Smart Cards Market Tested Security Features Benefits of Using Smart Cards Proposed Implementation Scenario for Lebanon The ATM Facility Cost Estimation Issues that can Delay Implementation Open Discussion

Assistance to the Central Administration of Statistics- Geographical Information System Mission Report

2002 - IT/02/7 - Robert Brown

Executive Summary - Resume Introduction Assessment of Current GIS Situation Data Inventory Analysis Recommendation and Implementation Plan - Annex 1: Terms of Reference for the Geographical Information System Expert - Annex 2: GIS to Oracle Database Connections - Annex 3: Data Inventory Details - Annex 4: Methodology for Digitizing ilots...



























Résultats 81 - 90 de 215