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Lebanon Digital Transformation National Strategy 2020-2030 - May 2022 Update

2022 - IT/22/1 - OMSAR

Digital transformation is fundamental for the reform of public services and the prevention of corruption tools. It is considered at the core of public service reform through ease of use, easer of planning, interconnection of services, and sustainable digital capacities.

A study of the automation of administrative work in the Ministry of Youth and Sports

2021 - IT/21/1 - Planning and IT department at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Lebanese National Strategy for Cyber ​​Security

2019 - It/19/2 - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Ministry of Energy and Water- Directorate General of Oil TOR for the Directorate Automation

2019 - It/19/1 - CUB Engineering&Consulting

1. Introduction
2. Proposed Functional Architecture
3. Scope of Work
4. Project phases and Deliverables
5. Time and Duration of Contract
6. Payment Schedule
7. Evaluation Process

Communicating Open Government – A How-To Guide

2019 - IT/19/3 - OECD- OGP

This guide is a resource for individuals tasked with explaining, encouraging, and building support for open government, understood as a culture of governance that promotes the principles of transparency, integrity, accountability and citizen participation for democracy and inclusive growth. The publication targets public officials in charge of steering and implementing strategies and...

Lebanon Digital Transformation Strategy 2018

2018 - IT/18/1 - Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform

The digital government strategy set ambitions to reform government. These are very high ambitions. Aiming to transform government into a truly digital organization making interaction with user seamlessly simple and providing a platform to enable innovation and to invigorate the whole national digital eco-system. For the first time the strategy that prescribes how to achieve these great...

The effects of social media on Lebanese society

2018 - INF/18/1 - Social Butterfly pulse

Digital Government Review of Morocco - Laying the Foundations for the digital transformation of the Public Sector in MOROCCO

2018 - IT/18/2 - OECD

Contextual factors influencing the digital environment in Morocco
Towards transformational governance of public sector digitalisation in Morocco
Digital government as a driver of a culture of openness and user - driven approaches in the Moroccan public sector
Delivering the benefits of the digital transformation across Morocco in a context of regionalisation

الحكومة المفتوحة - السياق العالمي والآفاق المستقبلية

2017 - IT/17/1 - OECD

يقدم هذا التقرير تحليلاً شاملاً حول كيفية التطبيق الحالي لممارسات الحكومات المفتوحة، من قبل الدول والتحديات الرئيسة التي تواجهها والفرص غير المستغلة المتاحة لدعم الشفافية والمساءلة ومشاركة المواطنين في مجال وضع السياسات العامة وتصميم الخدمات وتقديمها.



























Results 1 - 10 of 217