


























Results 481 - 490 of 926

Introduction of New Technologies for Pedagogical Purposes (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/4 - Adel Habib

1. General Information
1.1. Rationale
1.2. Informatics Curriculum
1.3. Informatics Teachers
1.4. Hardware And Software Informatics Curriculum
1.5. Educational Technologies
1.6. Major Challenges For The Implementation of Informatics Curriculum and Educational Technologies
1.7. Related Projects
1.8. Available Funding
1.9. Consultation...

Rationalization of human resources management in the public education sector (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/5 - Thérèse El Hachem Tarabay – Georges Younes

1. Introduction

2. Goals

3. Activities

4. Inputs

5. Outputs

6. Starting the evaluation and carrying out the activities

7. The institutional framework and administrative, institutional and legal procedures for improving personnel management and implementation methods

8. Estimated costs

Management of the teaching and administrative staff in pre-secondary education in the public sector: aspects of imbalance and rationalization (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/6 - Therese El Hachem Tarabay

Chapter 1: General data
1.1. Breakdown of CEA by age, sex, nationality and marital status
1.2. Breakdown by function and employment status
1.3. Function, sex, age and marital status
1.4. Employment status
1.5. Breakdown by status and Caza
Chapter 2: Distribution of teachers of students and schools by Caza and...

Improving School Management (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/7 - Robert Lamb

1. General Information
1.1. Significant Impediments
1.2.  Activities Prior to and during the Initial Mission
1.3. Issue of School Boards
1.4. Selection of Pilot Schools
2. Objectives
2.1. Conceptual Framework
2.2. Specific Objectives
3. Description of Activities
3.1. Activities Aimed at Raising the...

World Bank Expertise - Teaching Training - (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/8 - Jean-Marc Gebler - Samir Hoyek

Part one: General information
1. Restructuring of the education system and reform of the curricula
2. State of the art of public education
3. Teacher training emergency plan
4. Initial teacher training
5. Coordination problems

Part Two: Objectives
1. Aim of the project
2. General objective and strategic choices for continuing...

Preparation Phase - Component 3: Quality and Efficiency - Sub component 3.4 - Examination Reform - Project Document (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/9 - David Carroll

1. Background 2. Objectives 3. Activities 3.1. Activities in Developing Student Evaluation 3.2. Proposed Scenario 4. Inputs 4.1. Consultancy (Person Days) 4.2. In-Country Training Programs 4.3. Hardware and Software 4.4. Studies 4.5. Local Costs 5. Outputs 6. Schedule: An Indicative Implementation Schedule For Developing Student Evaluation 7. Modalities of Execution 8. Institutional...

Preparation Phase - Component 3: Quality and Efficiency - Sub component 3.4 - Evaluation Unit - Project Document (General Education Project)

1998 - EDU/a98/10 - David Carroll

1. Background 2. Objectives 3. Activities 3.1. Activities of Proposed Evaluation 3.2. Proposed Scenario 4. Inputs 4.1. Consultancy (Person Days) 4.2. Overseas Training and Study Tours 4.3. In-Country Training 4.4. Hardware and Software 4.5. Studies 4.6. Local Costs 5. Outputs 6. SCHEDULE: An Indicative Implementation Schedule for Developing the CNRDP Evaluation Unit 7. Modalities of...

الإحصاءات الأولية للعام الدراسي 1997 – 1998

1998 - EDU/d98/1

-public education
-Administrative and educational staff
-Vocational and technical education
-Formal education
-Private education
-Higher Education

تحديد مؤشرات النظام التربوي على مستوى التعليم الأساسي

1998 - EDU/98/1 - كابي صليبا – آليان شمشوم

القسم الأول: المعطيات الأساسية لدراسة النظام التربوي ومؤشراته الفصل الأول: موقع النظام التربوي داخل النظام الاجتماعي العام الفصل الثاني: فعالية النظام التربوي الفصل الثالث: المفاهيم العامة للمؤشرات التربوية الفصل الرابع: واقع المؤشرات التربوية في العالم ا

واقع المدرسة الرسمية والإدارة التربوية في لبنان

1998 - EDU/98/2 - عبد الحكيم الغزاوي – سهيل يعقوب – حسان جمعة – يوسف صادر – تريز سمعان الخوري – سوزان عبد الرضا

الفصل الأول: البحث 1.1. تحديد البحث 2.1. أهميته وخلفيته 3.1. أهدافه 4.1. فرضياته 5.1. منهجيته 6.1. صعوبات البحث وحدوده 7.1. مخطط البحث الفصل الثاني: المحتويات 1.2. الإدارة 2.2. الإدارة التربوية (التعليمية) وأنماطها في العالم 3.2.الإدارة المدرسية 4.2. الإ




























Results 481 - 490 of 926