
Management of the teaching and administrative staff in pre-secondary education in the public sector: aspects of imbalance and rationalization (General Education Project)




Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports - Center for Educational Research and Development - Council for Development and Reconstruction - World Bank


Therese El Hachem Tarabay

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Chapter 1: General data
1.1. Breakdown of CEA by age, sex, nationality and marital status
1.2. Breakdown by function and employment status
1.3. Function, sex, age and marital status
1.4. Employment status
1.5. Breakdown by status and Caza
Chapter 2: Distribution of teachers of students and schools by Caza and Mohafazat
Chapter 3: the size of establishments
3.1. Size of schools according to the number of students
3.2. Size of establishments according to the number of teachers
3.3. Size of schools according to the number of students and teachers
3.4. The pupil / teacher ratio
Chapter 4: Cazas of origin, residence and assignment of CEA
4.1. Home caza and Assignment caza
4.2. Residence and assignment caza
4.3. Weight of each caza in the distribution of teachers according to their caza of origin, of residence
Chapter 5: Educational level of CEA
5.1. Distribution of CEA by educational level
5.2. Distribution by educational level and specialty
5.3. The origin of diplomas
5.4. Breakdown by diploma, specialty and gender
5.5. Breakdown by specialty and age
5.6. Distribution by function and educational level
5.7. Distribution by function and origin of the diploma
5.8. Educational level and employment status
5.9. Educational level and age
5.10. Studies currently underway
5.11. Distribution by educational level and Mohafazats
5.12. Ongoing Patent training
Chapter 6: CEA seniority in the education system seniority in the establishment of assignment
6.1. Breakdown of CEA by year of recruitment
6.2. Distribution of CEA by seniority in the education system
6.3. Breakdown of CEA by seniority in the education system by seniority in
the assignment school
Chapter 7: Teaching subjects
7.1. Distribution of teachers by number of subjects taught per teacher
7.2. The different combinations of the first and second subjects taught
7.3. Distribution of teachers on subjects in order of subject priority
Chapter 8: Assessment of surplus staff
8.1. The regulatory hourly charge by function
8.2. Average CEA utilization rate by function and occupation
8.3. The master / class relationship
8.4. Assessment of surplus staff
8.5. Surplus staff cost
Chapter 9: Conclusion: What perspectives for the evaluation of the teaching and administrative staff?
9.1. Retirement and layoffs
9.2. The implementation of the educational reform
9.3. Advance assessment of demand and supply of education in the public sector
Chapter 10: List of annex tables






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