Capacity 21 Project in Lebanon - Environmental Law Reform in Lebanon
Ministry of the Environment - UNDP
Jean Untermaier
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Foreword Introduction: Why a major reform of environmental law?
Chapter 1: The reform and codification process
1. The development of environmental law
2. Environmental law, field discipline
3. The formulation of general principles first involves a detailed critical analysis of positive law
Section 2: the modalities of the study of Lebanese environmental law
1. The Mallat report "environmental administration and legislation in Lebanon"
2. Analysis of positive law
3. The national seminar on the reform of environmental law (March 8 and 9, 1995)
Section 3: The progress of the reform
1. The stages of the reform process
2. Lebanese codification Conclusion of chapter one
Chapter 2: Diagnosis and preliminary proposals concerning sectoral legislation
Section 1: Lebanese environmental law: an imposing building whose restoration is essential
1. The components of Lebanese environmental law
2. Difficulties in applying environmental law
3. The inadequacies of environmental law
Section 2: Protection of Lebanon's heritage
1. Cultural heritage
2. The protection of nature
3. Prospective protection of natural and cultural heritage
Section 3: Legal prospective of the fight against pollution and nuisances and the prevention of major risks
1. Legislation relating to installations classified for environmental protection
2. Sectoral legislation
Conclusion of Chapter 2
Chapter 3: The Lebanese Environment Code: first, a collection of principles Section
1: the “principles of principles”
1. Lebanese principles and positive law
2. Why principles?
3. Principles and principles
Section 2: the principles of the environment code
1. Normative principles
2. The principles of environmental management
3. Section concepts
3: Write the environment code
A. The general part of the code
B. The stages of the codification process General conclusion Appendices