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إستطلاع للرأي العام حول درجة رضى المواطنين عن خدمات مصلحة مياه بيروت


 أهداف الدراسة  المنهجية  العينة وتوزيعها  عرض وتحليل النتائج  درجة الرضى العام  درجة الرضى فيما يختص بمحصلة ما تؤمنه  تقييم من حيث عدد من المتغيرات  كيفية استعمال المياه التي توزعها المصلحة  الحاجات التي يستعمل المستطلعون المياه من أجلها  هل لدى المستطلعون مشاكل مع المسلحة  المشاكل الأساسية التي يعاني منها المستطلعين  الشكاوى لدى مصلحة مياه بيروت  درجة الرضى فيما يتعلق بدائرة...

Mission Report to design the database of the Central Administration of Statistics (26 January – 24 February) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/2 - Arij Dekker

Terms of Reference State of Affairs The Existing Establishments and Buildings Database The New Establishments and Buildings Database Other Activities Undertaken during the Mission Conclusions and Recommendations Annexes

Geographical Information System Mission Report (15 February – 14 March ) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/3 - Robert Brown

Executive Summary Resume 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Information 1.2. Main Activities Undertaken 2. Assessment of Current GIS Situation 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Objectives for GIS at CAS 2.3. Institutional Coordination 2.4. Staff 2.5. Data 2.6. Hardware 2.7. Georeferencing 2.8. Field Survey Techniques 2.9. Administrative and Statistical Units 3. Data Inventory 4. Analysis 5...

Mission Report on the First Mission to the Central Administration of Statistics for the Development of Economics Surveys for Lebanon (25 February) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/4 - Hilmi Dabbagh

Summary Recommendations Introduction Prioritization of Tasks for Economic Statistics Formal versus Informal Sectors Structure and Coverage of the System A Key Point Merits of the Proposed System of Economic Surveys Content of the Economic Surveys Sampling frame and Sample Design for the First Round of Economic Surveys A. Specific Services Activities B. Area Sampling C. Final Sample Design ...

Progress Report on the Short Term Mission to the Central Administration of Statistics (9 April) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/5 - Sten Johansson

1. Background 2. My Terms of Reference 3. Meeting with the Various Actors 4. Consequences of the Decision by the EU - Delegation Annex 1: Terms of Reference for the Institutional Development Expert Annex 2: Notes on Brief Meeting with Dr. Maral Friday March 22 Annex 3: Other Engagements by the CAS Annex 4: Brief Notes on the Meeting with the IMF Delegation Annex 5: Further Meetings with the IMF...

Mission Report to the Central Administration of Statistics – Development of Economics Surveys for Lebanon (6 June) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/7 - Hilmi Dabbagh

Introduction The Pace of ARLA Programme to the CAS-Issues and Outcome The Tranap Report and the Freire Report The IMF Mission to Lebanon The Census of Buildings, Dwellings and Establishments (CBDE) Documentation of Statistical Projects First Round of Business Surveys Classifications Needed for Economic Statistics Training List of Annexes

Mission Report to the Central Administration of Statistics - Development of Economics Surveys for Lebanon (7 June – 3 July) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/8 - Hilmi Dabbagh

Introduction Census of Buildings, Dwellings and Establishments 2002 (CBDE) A. Document Preparation B. Assessment of Pilot Survey C. GIS System D. Census Data Processing E. Training F. Timing Plan Other Activities A. Agriculture Statistics B. Household Budget Survey (HBS) C. Presentation of the Project to PMC D. Project Monitoring System List of Annexes

Progress Report on the Short Term Mission to the Central Administration of Statistics (2 July) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/9 - Sten Johansson

Summary Background Terms of Reference for the Mission ARLA Project Uncertainties TOR Activity1: Status of Work on the Census TOR Activity 2: Status of Work on the Household Survey TOR Activity 3 and 4: Status of Work on the Staff Structure Other Information List of Issues and Recommendations Annexes Annex 1: Terms of Reference for the Institutional Development Expert Annex 2: Notes on Meeting...

Mission Report to Design the Database of the Central Administration of Statistics (15 July) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/10 - Arij Dekker

Summary Terms of Reference State of Affairs Brief Discussion of the Activities Undertaken Conclusions and Recommendations Annexes

Mission Report to the Central Administration of Statistics - Development of Economics Surveys for Lebanon (15 August – 26 September) (ARLA)

2002 - STATC/a02/11 - Hilmi Dabbagh

Introduction Coordination of ARLA Programme to CAS The Census of Buildings, Dwellings and Establishments (CBDE) 2002 A. Recruitment of Fieldwork Team B. CBDE Fieldwork Blocked C. Documents Preparation D. GIS System E. Data Processing F. CBDE Results Publications CAS Publications Content and Format A. Content of CAS Statistical Reports B. Foreign Language C. Numeral Format National...




























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