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Scope of work for the Study on the Integrated Tourism Development Plan in the Republic of Lebanon

2002 - TOU/02/1

1. Introduction
2. Objectives of The Study
3. Study Area
4. Scope of The Study
5. Study Schedule
6. Reports
7. Undertaking of The Government of The Republic of Lebanon
8. Undertaking of JICA
9. Others

Live Lebanon 2002: Where have all the Shoppers Gone?

2002 - TOU/02/2 - Information International

Live Lebanon 2002: Where Have All The Shoppers Gone?

1. Schedule of Fees
2. Program Laws Regulatory Irregularities at the Court of Audit

1. Decisions of the court
2. Future role

A report submitted by the Minister of Tourism to the Council of Ministers on the general tourism plan

2002 - TOU/02/3

First: The Reality of Tourism

1. The Ministry of Tourism
2. Tourism Movement

Second: Tourism Obstacles

1. The high price of transportation to Lebanon
2. The high cost of residency in Lebanon
3. The elements of discomfort converging to reside in Lebanon
4. Stalemate in laws and intertwining of powers
5. The need To...

توجهات عامة لتنمية السياحة في لبنان

2001 - TOU/01/3

أولاً: واقع السياحة 1. وزارة السياحة 2. الحركة السياحية ثانياً: معوقات السياحة 1. إرتفاع أسعار الإنتقال إلى لبنان 2. إرتفاع كلفة الإقامة في لبنان 3. تضافر عناصر عدم الراحة بالإقامة في لبنان 4. جمود في القوانين وتشابك في الصلاحيات 5. الحاجة إلى تطوير أداء العاملين بالقطاع السياحي ثالثاً: دور وزارة السياحة رابعاً: مشاركة الإدارات المعنية في خطة التنمية السياحية 1. وزارة الخارجية 2...

Stakeholder Analysis and Social Assessment for the Proposed Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Project

2001 - TOUA/a01/1

Acknowledgments Abbreviations Executive Summary 1.Investigation 1.1. Project Overview 1.2. Research Tracks 1.3. Project Approach 2.Analysis 2.1. National Stakeholders: Thematic Discussion of Key Issues 2.2. Cities in Perspective 3.Recommendations 3.1. Strategic Recommendations 3.2. Operational Recommendations 3.3. Risk Recommendations 3.4. Beneficiary and Participation Recommendations...

Cultural Bodies Information Base

2001 - CUL/01/1 - Office of Studies and Consultations in Informatics and Law

Explanation of the main screen: It gives you two options
Introducing new cultural associations, or new information about an association, with the ability to enter photos and special documents for each association
Retrieve all associations 'information, and the societies' reports
- Retrieval screen
- Alphabetical retrieval screen for associations

Cultural and Conference Center in Beirut - The importance of establishing the project and its advantages

2001 - CUL/01/2

2. Motives for establishing centers for culture and conferences in the countries of the world
 3. Benefits of establishing a center for culture and conferences in Beirut
 4. Advantages of the proposed Beirut Culture and Conference Center project
 5. Summary

Production plan for 2001

2001 - TOU/01/1

1. Winter Tourism
2. Summer Tourism
3. Cultural Tourism
4. Expatriate Tourism
5. New Market Tourism
6. Religious Tourism

Ministry of Tourism work plan and general tourism plan

2001 - TOU/01/2

First: Promoting tourism abroad and assigning the National Council for Tourism Development to implement this plan under the supervision of the Minister of Tourism
Second: Improving tourism services and providing the necessary facilities
Third: Improving and developing the Tourism Product, especially the Cultural Product
Fourth: Encouraging, rationalizing and stimulating...

Tourism Development Symposium: Working Document

2001 - TOU/01/4

مقدمة القسم الأول: السياحة في الإقتصاد الوطني القسم الثاني: المؤسسات السياحية القسم الثالث: مؤسسات سياحية مساندة القسم الرابع: اليد العاملة في السياحة القسم الخامس: التعليم السياحي والفندقي القسم السادس: المعوقات ومطالب النقابات السياحية القسم السابع: الخطط الرسمية لتطوير السياحة القسم الثامن: التوجهات السياحية المستقبلية



























Results 51 - 60 of 123