











Results 121 - 128 of 128

Ministry of the Bill for the Creation of the Cultural Pyramid in Lebanon

1976 - CUL/76/2

Title 1: Preliminary provisions
Title 2: The village cultural club
Title 3: The Caza Cultural Council

Chapter 1: Creation of the cultural council - its purpose-conditions of membership
Chapter 2: The steering committee - its election and its competence
Chapter 3: Rights and obligations of members
Chapter 4: Council revenue

Title 4...

An Agenda Paper on “Culture”

1976 - CUL/76/1 - John Donchus – Lutfy N. Diab


1. Lebanese Society 1950 -1975

A. Lebanese Institutions

1. Political Institutions
2. Religious institutions
3. Associations
4. Education
5. Social Services
6. Rural -Urban Distribution and Confessional Affiliation
7. Differential Regional Development

B. Social and Cultural Values...

Basic file relating to the general planning of tourism in Lebanon

1971 - TOU/b71/1 - Ibrahim Bizri – Jean Paul Thomas


Part 1: Tourist activity
Part 2: Role of the Study
Part 3: Tourist equipment program
Part 4: Forecast of state tourism spending for the next five-year period
Copy of note from the General Directorate of Antiquities dated 30/1/1970

Sources of culture in Lebanon

1967 - CUL/67/1

Glimpses of some Lebanese characteristics during the era of the emirate - History of Lebanon from 1841 to the Mandate - Eastern Churches - Islam - with the Lebanese symposium in twenty years - Authors of the Diaspora - in modern Lebanese poetry

Projet de code de l’artisanat

1964 - TOUP/64/1 - Yves Bonete













Results 121 - 128 of 128