











Results 101 - 110 of 126

Sauvegarde archéologique du centre-ville de Beyrouth (réunion du Comité Scientifique International)

1995 - TOUA/95/6

Préface 1. Le Comité Scientifique International A. Pour les fouilles archéologiques du Centre-ville de Beyrouth B. Liste des Membres du Comité Scientifique International 2. Présentation du Projet Leb/92/008 A. Réhabilitation de la Direction Générale des Antiques et Soutien à la reconstruction du Centre-ville de Beyrouth B. Introduction C. Définition du contexte du projet UNESCO dans le cadre...

Beyrouth, centre-ville: participation française aux fouilles de sauvetage internationales

1995 - TOUA/95/7 - Institut Français d’Archéologie du Proche-Orient


Notes on the project of establishing the Palace of Culture and Conferences

1995 - CUL/95/1 - The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation

First: Specifications of the Project
Second: The Legal Aspect
Third: Questions and Observations about the Project

Lebanon Tourism Reconstruction and Development Plan: Analysis and Diagnosis Report - Provisional edition - Volume 1-2

1995 - TOU/a95/1

1. General Introduction

1.1. Statistical measurement of activity
1.2. The main quantitative elements

2. The Current and Potential Tourist Offer

2.1. General considerations on the analysis of the offer
2.2. The touristic places
2.3. Archaeological and historical sites
2.4. Marketed and potential tourism products and their...

Reviving and Rehabilitating the National Library of Books

1994 - CUL/a94/1 - Middle East Research and Studies - Sam Mansi - Mona Nassouli - Emil Al-Dirani

First section: a project to treat current assets and holdings
Second section: the organizational structure
Third section: Software, Hardware and Equipment
Fourth Section: Duration of project completion
Fifth Section: Construction Appendices

Human Development for Peace

1994 - CUL/94/1

A. The Preparatory Process

1. Evaluation of Past Experience
2. Identification of UNDP Role
3. Responsibility For Project Preparation

B. The Development Context

1. Description of The Sector and Development Problem
2. Host Country Objectives and Strategy
3. Prior or Ongoing Assistance
4. Institutional Framework and...

National Library of Lebanon: proposal for a resettlement project

1994 - CUL/94/2 - Georges Perrin

• National Library Of Lebanon
• Public Relations and Marketing Efforts in National Libraries
• Memory of the World
• Vouchers Scheme To Simplify Payment for International Interlibrary Lending: Progress Report
• Conference of Directors of National Libraries
• Conference of Directors of National Libraries Twentieth Meeting, Held At...

الخطة 2000 للإعمار والإنماء (ملحق: تفصيل برنامج النهوض للقطاع العام- السياحة)

1993 - TOU/93/1

ملخص برنامج القطاع الجداول ملخص ووصف المشاريع توزيع برنامج القطاع على المحافظات

UNESCO / Lebanese Archeological Project of Beirut City Center

1993 - TOUA/93/1 - Muntaha Saghieh

Abstract The Lebanese University Excavation in the South of Martyr’s Square Sondage Bey 001 Stratigraphical Sequence A. Terra Sigillata Italica Eastern Sigillata A B. Amphorae C. Unguent aria Earthquakes and Archaeology The Northern Wall (along points D, E, F) Chronology Excavation in Bey 004 Squares VIH, VH Squares VIG, VIF, VG, VF Bibliography and Abbreviation List of Expenses for March...

Rationale and Framework of the “ Fora for Peace Project Document ” (Summary and Deliberations)

1993 - CUL/93/1 - Anna Mansour

1. Rationale and Summary
2. The Objectives
3. The Activities
4. Selection Criteria
5. Roles and Duties













Results 101 - 110 of 126