


























Results 491 - 500 of 926

دراسة حول تلاميذ صفي الخامس إبتدائي والرابع تكميلي في المدارس الحكومية والخاصة

1998 - EDU/98/3 - الدولية للمعلومات

المقدمة الأداء المدرسي الخطط المهنية المستقبلية الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية الفقراء في لبنان أغنياء لبنان من هو البطل؟ التلاميذ والحكومة مساعي الحكومة لتحسين الوضع قضايا عالمية اهتمامات متفرقة الهجرة الخلاصة

NGO’s and Education in Lebanon

1998 - EDU/98/5 - Reema Mansour

Foreword 1. Overall goal 2. The Methodology, the Selection Criteria of the NGOs, and the Results 2.1. The Methodology 2.2. The Selection Criteria for the NGOs 2.3. Results 3. NGOs in Lebanon 3.1. General History 3.2. Funding Sources 3.3. Types of Educational Activities Implemented 4. How can the NGOs Involved within the Improving Public School Management Project - Recommended Activities 4.1...

مشروع التنوع الحيوي الزراعي في المناطق الجافة: دراسة تحليلية للوضع التربوي

1998 - EDU/98/6 - برندا غزالة

مقدمة مراحل الدراسة موقع التربية البيئية في المناهج الجديدة الوضع المدرسي والتربوي في المناطق التي هي ضمن المشروع الوضع المدرسي والتربوي العام في منطقة بعلبك كيفية جمع المعلومات أهداف الدراسة إطار الدراسة المعطيات العامة الواقع التربوي المستوى التعليمي وا

Vocational and Technical Education Project: Loan Agreement

1998 - EDUV/a98/1

General Conditions Definitions The Loan Executive of the Project Financial Covenants Termination Representative of the Borrower, Addresses

Vocational and Technical Education Project: Project Appraisal Document

1998 - EDUV/a98/2

Project Financing Data A. Project Development Objective and Key Performance Indicators 1. Project Development Objective and Key Performance Indicators B. Strategic Context 1. Sector - Related Country Assistance Strategy Goal Supported By the Project 2. Main Sector Issues and Government Strategy 3. Sector Issues to be addressed by the Project and Strategic Choices C. Project Description 1...

Vocational and Technical Education Project: Project Information Document

1998 - EDUV/a98/3

Country and Sector Background In View of its importance Project Objectives Project Cost and Financing Project Implementation Project Sustainability Poverty and program Objectives Environmental Aspects Project Benefits Project Risks

Vocational and Technical Education Project: Implementation Procedures

1998 - EDUV/a98/4

Consultancy Services Procurement of Goods

Vocational and Technical Education Project: Technical Committees

1998 - EDUV/a98/5

1. Technical Committees 2. Description of Technical Committees (TCs) 3. Activities 4. Composition

Vocational and Technical Education Project: General Overview

1998 - EDUV/a98/6

Overview 1. Higher Education 2. Technical Education 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Administration 2.3. The Ministry of Vocational and Technical Education 3. Levels of Education 4. Schools 5. Specializations 6. Students 7. Teachers 8. Administration 9. Standards and Quality 10. VTE Image 11. Curricula 12. Teacher Training Programs 13. Information and Technology 14. Public Schools (Capacity And...

Vocational and Technical Education Project Overview

1998 - EDUV/a98/7

1. Goals 2. Actions 3. Project Components 4. Component 1: Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building 4.1. Establish a MVTE Planning and Monitoring Unit 4.2. Develop MVTE Quality & Management Procedures 4.3. Establish MVTE Information System 4.4. Develop and Carry-out Research Surveys 4.5. Strengthen School Management 4.6. Develop VTE Strategy and Policies 4.7. Study Visits 4.8...




























Results 491 - 500 of 926