
The National Social Development Strategy for Lebanon - third draft



الجهة المشرفة:

Ministry of Social Affairs - OMSAR

الجهة المعدة:

Consultation and Research Institute

عدد الصفحات:



Preface by the Minister of Social Affairs Dr. Selim El Sayegh List of Acronyms Executive Summary Introduction Methodology of the National Social Rationale of the NSDS Phases of the preparation of the NSDS General structure of the NSDS Historical Background High poverty rates ensuing the first notions of a social policy Economic collapse and state failure-fragmented social services Focus on reconstruction as a gateway to social development Focus on debt reduction with social policy as a residual category The Social Pact The National Development Context The economic development context The social development context The environmental management context and Gender mainstreaming General and Specific Objectives of the National Social Development Strategy General Objective 1: Achieve Better Health General Objective 2: Strengthen Social Protection General Objective 3: Provide Quality Education General Objective 4: Improve Opportunities for Equitable and Safe Employment General Objective 5: Revitalize Communities and Develop the Social Capital Annexes



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