
The Role of Microcredit in Poverty Alleviation: Profile of the Microcredit Sector in Lebanon



الجهة المشرفة:


الجهة المعدة:

Imad Hamzé

عدد الصفحات:



Foreword Abbreviations and Explanatory Notes Introduction 1. Micro Enterprises in Lebanon: A General Outlook A. Basic Data on the Micro Enterprise Sector in Lebanon B. Access to Credit C. Regional Distribution and Analysis of Micro Enterprise in Lebanon 2. Major Microfinance Programmes and The Recipe For Success A. Recipes for Success B. Micro Enterprise Lending Schemes Around the World and their Application in Lebanon 3. Overview of Microfinance Providers In Lebanon A. Micro Credit Activities for NGOs in Lebanon B. Private Banks and Microfinance in Lebanon C. United Nations Micro Credit Programmes in Lebanon 4. General Observations and Recommendations A. General Observations B. Recommendations 5. List of Tables 1. Distribution of Non-Agricultural Industrial Establishments in Lebanon, by Category 2. Distribution of Industrial Firms in Lebanon, by Size 3. Distribution of the Four Largest Micro Enterprise Sectors in Lebanon 4. Distribution of Enterprises in Lebanon, by Number of Employees 5. Distribution of Establishment, by Sector 6. Distribution of Micro Enterprise Units Among the Main Segments of the Lebanese Economy 7. Economic Areas and Sectors of Micro Enterprise Concentration 8. Regional Analysis of Micro Enterprises in Lebanon (Mount Lebanon and the North) 9. Regional Analysis of Micro Enterprises in Lebanon (Beqa’a and the South) 10. Increase in the Number of Micro Enterprise Units Between 1994 and 1996 11. Microfinance Institutions in Lebanon: Active Borrowers and Outstanding Portfolio, December 1999 12. Loan Distribution, by Sector or Category 13. Credit Schemes of UNRWA/ Lebanon Field Office 14. Potential Demand for Micro Enterprise Loans in Lebanon 6. List of Boxes 7. List of Annexes



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