
National Housing Plan for Lebanon - Inception Report



الجهة المشرفة:

Ministry of Housing and Cooperatives

الجهة المعدة:

Spectrum Engineering Consultants

عدد الصفحات:



Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Proposed Detailed Strategy A. General Introduction on Housing 1.1 Land and the Population B. General Introduction on Housing 2.1. Socio - Economic Statistics and Future Population Estimates 2.2. House Statistics and Studies 2.3. Real Estate Statistics and Studies in Lebanon 3. Third Phase: Economic Study 3.1. Investigation of the House-Building Market 3.2. Study of the Construction Materials Market 3.3. Study of Manpower in the Building Sector 3.4. Field Study and Building Regulations 3.5. Study of Lease Laws and Rules 3.6. Firms Involved In the Building Market 3.7. Mechanism of Building a Residential Production 4. Fourth Phase: Final Report and Compendium 4.1. General Sequel 4.2. Necessary Programming of the Plan 5. Fifth Phase: Preparation of the General Sequence Plan and Unit Designs 5.1. General Sequence Plan 5.2. Design and Residential Units Chapter 3: Working Team and Functions Chapter 4: Utilized Equipment and Software Chapter 5: Suggested Program for the Execution of the Study Chapter 6: References and Reports, Types and Sources Chapter 7: A Statistical Questionnaire Sample



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