
Vocational and Technical Education Project: Project Appraisal Document



Sous la direction de:

Ministry of Vocational and Technical Education – World Bank

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Project Financing Data A. Project Development Objective and Key Performance Indicators 1. Project Development Objective and Key Performance Indicators B. Strategic Context 1. Sector - Related Country Assistance Strategy Goal Supported By the Project 2. Main Sector Issues and Government Strategy 3. Sector Issues to be addressed by the Project and Strategic Choices C. Project Description 1. Project Components 2. Key Policy and Institutional Reforms Supported by the Project 3. Benefits and Target Population 4. Institutional and Implementation Arrangements D. Project Rationale 1. Project Alternatives Considered and Reasons for Rejection 2. Major Related Projects Financed by the Bank and / or other Development Agencies 3. Lessons Learned and Reflected in the Project Design 4. Indications of Borrower Commitment and Ownership 5. Value added of Bank Support E. Project Analyses 1. Economic 2. Financial 3. Technical 4. Institutional 5. Social 6. Environmental Assessment 7. Participatory Approach F. Sustainability and Risks 1. Sustainability 2. Critical Risks 3. Possible Controversial Aspects G. Main Loan Conditions 1. Effectiveness Conditions 2. Other H. Readiness for Implementing I. Compliance with Bank Policies




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