
Vocational and Technical Education in Lebanon and Labor Market Conditions (Preliminary Assessment)



الجهة المشرفة:

Ministry of Vocational and Technical Education

الجهة المعدة:

Consultation and Research Institute

عدد الصفحات:



1. Size, Number and Distribution of Vocational and Technical 2. Official Degree Awarded at Vocational and Technical Schools 3. Enrollment Rates Per Degree Chapter 1: Review of Plans on Vocational and Technical Education 1. The 1993 Plan For The Development of Vocational and Technical Education During The 90’s 1.1. Objectives 1.2. Suggested Studies and Action Plans 2. The 1995 Report on The Vocational and Technical Schools 2.1. Background 2.2. Objectives 2.3. Methodology 2.4. Main Findings 3. The Five - Year Plan For Vocational and Technical Education: Main Guidelines, 1997 3.1. Background 3.2. Objectives 3.3. Methodology 3.4. Main Findings Chapter 2: Overview of The Labor Market in Lebanon: Main Recent Trends 1. Establishments 2. Labor Force Distribution 2.1. Distribution Per Work Status 2.2. Age Structure 2.3. Educational Level 2.4. Socio - Professional Categories 3. Wages 3.1. Disparities Based on Gender 3.2. Disparities Based on Socio - Professional Categories 3.3. Disparities Based on Age 3.4. Effect of Educational Status and Years of Experience on Salaries 4. Expansion Plans of Establishments 5. Future Demand For Labor Chapter 3: VTE Reform and Unemployment and Earning Profiles 1. Unemployment 1.1. Unemployment and Geographic Distribution 1.2. Gender Distribution 1.3. Unemployment, Age Structure, and Marital Status 1.4. Unemployment and Education 1.5. Unemployment and Handicapped 1.6. Socio - Professional Categories of The Formerly Employed 2. Earning Profiles of The Labor Force 2.1. Working Female VTE Graduates in Lebanon 2.2. Earning Profile of The Salaried Population Chapter 4: VTE Reform and Economically Disadvantaged Groups 1. Low-Income Groups 1.1. Wage Earners 1.2. Self-Employed and Unpaid Workers 2. Women 3. Rural Remote Communities



القطاع الفرعي:

التربية والتعليم

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