


























Results 221 - 230 of 485

Air Quality Management and Estimated Health Impact of Pollutants in Urban and Industrial Areas

2004 - ENV/04/1 - Gebran Karam – Mazen Tabbara

Acknowledgements Disclaimer Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Scope of Work Chapter 3: Field of Work Chapter 4: Computer Modeling Chapter 5: Health Impact Chapter 6: Action Plan Consultations Chapter 7: Conclusions References Appendix A: Experts from the EPA webpage Appendix B: Field Measurements Appendix C: Measured Data Reduction Appendix D: Air Pollution Computer Modeling...

The official report on the summary of the actions of the General Directorate of Environment between 1999 - 2003

2004 - ENV/04/2 - General Directorate of Environment

رسالة وزارة البيئة لمحة عامة عن الإدارة كيفية قراءة التقرير الإنجازات المؤسساتية الصعيد التشريعي الصعيد الإداري الصعيد المالي الصعيد التقني التخطيط التوجيه البيئي خلاصة عامة ملحقات

Environmental Economics Series: Cost Environmental Degradation - The Case of Lebanon and Tunisia

2004 - ENV/04/3 - Maria Sarraf - Biorn Larsen - Marwan Owaygen


Establish a system for issuing and implementing environmental legislation in Lebanon

2004 - ENV/04/4

تقرير البناء والبيئة الجزء الأول: مواد البناء المستخرجة من الأرض الباب الأول: التعاريف الباب الثاني: تنظيم القطاع الفصل الأول: التخطيط والدراسات الفصل الثاني: المعايير والشروط الفصل الثالث: التراخيص الفصل الرابع: المراقبة الفصل الخامس: الإقفال الفصل الساد

Solid Waste / Environmental Management Project - Initial note on the disadvantages of sanitary landfill and the proposal of alternative solutions

2003 - ENV/g03/3

First: Introduction

Second: Preliminary notes on the report of the technical committee that determined the treatment and sanitary landfill sites for the solid solid waste received.

Third: Alternative Solutions for Burial and Cremation.

Fourth: Initial remarks on the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee submitted to the Council of Ministers.

SEAM Programme - South Sinai Environmental Action Plan - Solid Waste Management Base Line Study

2003 - ENV/03/2

The city is permanently inhabited with 9500 citizens working in administration departments of the City, distributed on 1000 housing unit (500 in El worker district and 500 in El Hadaba) in addition to the private residential camps. The number of tourists visiting the city reaches about 120,000 person/year. The city comprises 27,000 tourists’ rooms in the hotels and resorts. It has 1100...

Municipal Solid Waste Management - Action Plan

2003 - ENV/03/3 - Ministry of Environment

Action Plan Background Introduction Current MSW management practices and policies MSW disposal Options Treatment and disposal cost Major obstacles Working policy steps Proposed tasks to be carried out by MSC-IPP Environment Strategy For Lebanon Part I: Executive Summary The problem Coping with the problem of space Sustainable financing of waste management Part II: Technical Annex Introduction...




























Results 221 - 230 of 485