
ترقية تقييم الأثر البيئي لمرفق معالجة النفايات الصلبة في عين بعل - التقرير النهائي



الجهة المشرفة:

مجلس الانماء والاعمار

الجهة المعدة:


عدد الصفحات:


تطلب من:

مكتب وزير الدولة لشؤون التنمية الادارية


The objective of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study is to identify and assess the potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed development and consult relevant stakeholders to prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) including mitigation measures, monitoring plans, as well as institutional roles and responsibilities for the operationalization of the ESMP. The Ain Baal SWTF was established in 2004 to treat around 150 tons of waste per day. However, due to different operational challenges, it is currently treating around 70-80 tons/day. The proposed project comprises of upgrading the existing Solid Waste Management Facility (SWMF), located on plot /765/ at Ain Baal, to be able to treat 150 tons/day of municipal solid waste. This project is part of the Lebanese Municipal Services Emergency Project (LMSEP) project funded by the World Bank. The upgrade of the facility will increase the capacity and treatment efficiency of the composting facility and thus decrease the amount of waste that is sent to the landfills and open dumps



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