
بروتوكول حماية البيئة البحرية من تلوث المصادر البرية



الجهة المشرفة:

وزارة البيئة - سويم

الجهة المعدة:

Darine Mawla

عدد الصفحات:


تطلب من:

مكتب وزير الدولة لشؤون التنمية الادارية


NATIONAL ACTION PLANS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LBS PROTOCOL AND ITS REGIONAL PLANS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF SAP MED TO ACHIEVE GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS FOR POLLUTION RELATED ECAP ECOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES Chapter 1: Preface Chapter 2: Executive Summary Chapter 3: Introduction 1. Background 2. Scope 3. Limitations 4. Report structure Chapter 4: NAP Update Process 1. Institutional arrangement 2. Work methodology 2.1 Study area 2.2 NAP updating process Chapter 5: Midterm Baseline Assessment 1. Land based sources of pollution 1.1 Population 1.2 Agricultural Activities 1.3 Industrial activity 1.4 Power Generation and fuel import ports 1.5 Maritime transport and fishing activities 1.6 Tourism and marine leisure activities 2. Environmental Services 2.1. Wastewater management 2.2. Municipal solid waste management 3. Pollution trends 4. Updated hotspots 5. Legal framework 6. Institutional framework 7. Monitoring mechanisms 8. Economic and financial tools 9. Implemented measures for pollution prevention and control Chapter 6: Identification of Gaps 1. Introduction 2. Legal framework 3. Institutional framework 4. Requirements for pollution prevention and control measures 5. Public participation, awareness and information access 6. Monitoring 7. Reporting Chapter 7: NAP Oprational Targets 1. Rational and methodology adopted for selection of targets 2. Presentation of selected operational targets Chapter 8: Program of Measures for Pollution Prevention and Control 1. Prioritizing Issues and Identifying Potential Measures 2. Selecting the Program of Measures for Pollution Prevention and Control 3. Limitations Chapter 9: Monitoring Plan for NAP Implementation 1. Rational 2. Monitoring program 3. Institutional arrangements Chapter 10: Capacity Building, Awareness and Public Participation for NAP Implementation 1. Capacity building and awareness raising 2. Public participation References Annex I: Land Based Sources of Pollution Within study area Annex II: Total Annual Discharges of Priority Pollutants Annex III: Hot Spots Evaluation Sheets Annex IV: List of Measures Annex V: Prioritization of Technical Measures Annex VI: The List of Prioritized Measures based on the MCA Annex VII: Project Fiches



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