
Draft National Strategy for Air Quality Management in Lebanon




Ministry of Environment - The European Union- GFA Consulting Group


Ministry of Environment - GFA Consulting Group

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Abbreviations 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Impacts of Air quality on Human Health and the Environment 1.2.1 Impacts on Human Health 1.2.2 Impacts on the Environment 1.2.3 Benefits Compared to Air Pollution Control Costs 1.3 Scope of the Draft National Strategy for Air Quality Management 1.4 Structure of the Strategy 2 Air Quality Management in Lebanon 2.1 Assessment of Air Quality in Lebanon 2.1.1 Climate and Meteorology 2.1.2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards 2.1.3 Sources andEmissions of Air Pollutants 2.1.4 Air Quality Monitoring 2.1.5 Air Quality Monitoring and Modelling Results 2.2 Institutional, Policyand Legal Framework related to Air Quality Management 2.2.1 Institutional Framework 2.2.2 Cross-SectoralPolicy and Legal Framework 2.2.3 Policies and legal framework in the Transport Sector 2.2.4 Policies and legal framework in the Energy Sector 2.2.5 Policies and legal framework in the Industrial Sector and other combustion sources 2.2.6 Policies and legal framework in the Municipal Solid WasteSector 2.2.7 Policies and legal framework related to Climate Change 2.2.8 Multilateral Environmental Agreementsrelated to Air Quality Management 2.3 Wildfire risk warning 2.3.1 2.3.1 Institutional Set Up for wildfire risk management 2.3.2 Current situation related to Wildfire Risk Warning 2.3.3 Key Gaps for Efficient Wildfire Risk Warning System 3 Goals of the Draft National Strategy for Air quality Management 3.1 Vision of the Strategy 3.2 Long-term goals (2020-2030) 3.2.1 Long-term goal 1: Compliance with updated AQ standards 3.2.2 Long-term goal 2: Development and full implementation of the Draft Law for the Protection of Air Quality 3.2.3 Long-term goal 3: Development and evaluation of a national wild fire warning system 3.3 Short-term action plan (2016-2020) 3.3.1 Short-term goal 1: Strengthening the legal and institutional framework 3.3.2 Short-term goal 2: Improving air quality assessment throughout the territory 3.3.3 Short-term goal 3: Solving air quality problems due to stationary sources in degraded airsheds 3.3.4 Short-term goal 4: Developing a wild fire warning system 3.3.5 Short-term goal 5: Solving air quality problems from mobile sources 3.3.6 Short-term goal 6: Mainstreaming air quality management in priority sectors 3.3.7 Short-term goal 7: Communication and outreach on Air Quality 4 Implementation, monitoring and evaluation 4.1 Consultation Process for Validation 4.2 Implementation Process 4.3 Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 4.3.1 Air quality 4.3.2 Wildfire risk warning systems References 42 Annex 1: Priority legal texts/implementation decrees and decisionsof the Draft Law for the Protection of Air Quality. Annex 2: Action Plan including Short-term goals, results and actions for 2016-2020





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