
An Environmental Impact Assessment -Training Workshop on Dams and Reservoirs




Ministry of Environment – AUB – World Bank


Mutasem El–Fadel – Michel Zeinati – Assem Abou–Ibrahim – Hüseyin Tekin – Faraj Awar – Salah Sadek

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Title Page Acknowledgements 
Table of Contents 
Workshop Overview 
MoE’s Welcoming Introduction 
Introduction to and the Role of EIA 

The First Stage: 

Typical Project Definition and Screening Planning and Management of Environmental Impact Studies Scoping
Proposal /Terms of References Water Resources Management in Lebanon 

E.1. Regulatory and Institutional Frame Work 
E.2. The Context of Environmental Impact Assessment 
E.3. The Role of International Agencies Water Sector Status in Lebanon 
F.1. Existing Situation 
F.2. Future Plans Impact Assessment: Identification, Analysis, Prediction, Significance 
G.1. Description of Environmental Setting 
G.2. Methods For Impact Identification: Matrices, Networks and Checklists 
G.3. Environmental Indices and Indicators 
G.4. Methods of Impact Analysis and Impact Significance Impact Mitigation: Analysis of The Alternatives, Environmental Management, Monitoring Preparation of Written Documentation (Reporting) Evaluation of an EIA Report (Reviewing) and Decision Making Public Participation in The EIA Process Monitoring and Performance Assessment Case Studies in Turkey 

M.1. Yamula Dam And Hydroelectric Power Plant 
M.2. Boyabat Dam And Hydroelectric Power Plant Case Studies in Lebanon 
N.1. Irrigation Practices: Environmental Impacts 
N.2. Litani Project And Qar’awn Reservoir Case Studies in Turkey 
O.1. Aslancik Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant 
O.2. Ermenek Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant Geotechnical and Seismic Aspects of Dam Design Case Study in Lebanon: Bisri Dam Useful EIA Contacts





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