















النتائج 431 - 440 من 444

Entrepreneurs of Lebanon: The Role of the Business Leader in a Developing Economy

1962 - PIP/62/1 - Yusif A. Sayigh

Introduction 1. The Environment 2. In Search of Entrepreneurs 3. Design and Conduct of the Study 4. Entrepreneurs of Lebanon: A Self-Portrait 5. Enterprise for Development Appendix A: Introductory Letter Sent to Business Leaders to be interviewed Appendix B: Questionnaire Used in Interviews Appendix C: Complete List of 472 Tables Based on the Questionnaires Notes Index

Évolution du budget libanais

1962 - FIN/62/1 - Sleiman Gemayel

تطور الإقتصاد اللبناني لعام 1961

1962 - ECO/g62/1 - عبد الوهاب الرفاعي- أحمد ملك

The Fiscal System of Lebanon

1961 - FIN/61/1 - Raja S. Himadeh

Le crédit à moyen terme au Liban

1961 - FIN/61/2 - Pierre Nasrallah

تطور الإقتصاد اللبناني لعام 1960

1961 - ECO/g61/1 - عبد الوهاب الرفاعي- أحمد ملك

النظام النقدي والمصرفي في لبنان

1960 - FIN/60/1 - ف.أ.ج. كيسنغ

تطور الإقتصاد اللبناني لعام 1959

1960 - ECO/g60/1 - عبد الوهاب الرفاعي- أحمد ملك

Private Enterprise in Lebanon

1959 - PIP/59/1 - Arthur E. Mills

Preface Part 1: The Impact of the Environment 1. Resources and Markets 2. Capital 3. Knowledge, Skill & Values Part 2: The Performance of Management 4. Industry: Production & Marketing 5. Industry: Administration 6. Commerce Part 3: The Impact of State Policy 7. The Impact of State Policy 8. Lessons of the Study Appendix Bibliography Index

Proposals for the Improvement of the Statistics of the Lebanon

1958 - STAT/58/1 - T.C.J. Young

Introduction Chapter 1: Summary Chapter 2: The Conditions for Statistical Work in the Lebanon Chapter 3: The Nature of the Statistics of the Lebanon Chapter 4: My Own Activities Chapter 5: The Statistical Needs and Deficiencies of the Lebanon Chapter 6: The Proposals Appendices 1. Report to the Prime Minister 2. Draft Statistical Law 3. A Classification of Economic Statistics 4. Draft of...

















النتائج 431 - 440 من 444