


























Résultats 241 - 250 de 437

Trade Efficiency Project: Functional Specification Report

1999 - TRAD/c99/5 - Paul Kimberley and Associates

Foreword Executive Summary Acronyms Useful Web Sites 1. Introduction 1.1.Trade Information Systems - Functional Requirements 1.2. Comments 2. The Lebanese Trade Process 2.1.The Players in the Lebanese Trade Process 2.2. Basic Principles for Systems Redesign 3. Technical Controls 3.1. Implementing the TIS 4. TIS Requirements and Specifications 4.1. General Requirements 4.2. Technology...

Trade Efficiency Project: Functional Specification Report – Response to OMSAR Comments

1999 - TRAD/c99/6 - Paul Kimberley and Associates

Introduction - Part One: Functional Issues, Scope of the TIS - Part Two: Technical Issues Activities and Deliverables from Suppliers Tender Document Data Bases Arabic Requirements Number of Vendors - Conclusion

شروط وأشكال إبرام صفقات الدولة في المغرب

1998 - FIN/b98/1

الباب الاول: مقتضيات عامة (المادة 1-10) الباب الثاني: أثمان الصفقات ( المادة 11-18) الباب الثالث: طرق و مساطر ابرام الصفقات (المادة 19-72) الفصل الاول: صفقات بناء على طلب عروض (المادة 20-59) الفرع الاول: طلب عروض مفتوح او محدود (المادة 20-44) الفرع الثاني: طلب العروض بالانتقاء المسبوق (المادة 45-59) الفصل الثاني: صفقات بمباره (المادة 60-67) الفصل الثالث: الصفقات التفاوضية (المادة 68-71) الفصل...

إطار لخفض العجز في موازنة الدولة اللبنانية

1998 - FIN/98/1 - المركز اللبناني للدراسات – سعيد حتي – كمال شحادة – رنا حوري

Available in English: A Framework for Reducing the Lebanese Budget Deficit

1998 - FIN/98/2 - The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies – Said Hitti – Kamal Shehadi – Rana Houry

Preface Part 1: A Framework for a Budget Deficit Reduction Effort A. Introduction B.The Framework C. Revenues Measures D. Expenditure Planning and Control E. Debt Management F. The Impact of Public Sector Issue G. Technical Remarks Part 2: Analysis of the 1998 Budget Proposals A. Background B. Developments in 1997 C. The Pre-Budget Discussions Charts

Internal Audit Function Report - Ministry of Finance

1998 - FIN/98/7 - KPMG Peat Marwick sarl

Executive summary - Introduction - The Internal Audit Function - Current Structure of the Internal Audit Function in the Government of Lebanon - Organization of the Internal Audit Function - Management of the Internal Audit Function - Implementation - Appendices - Appendix A : List of Interviewees - Appendix B : Attributes of Effectiveness - Appendix C : Sample Job Descriptions - Appendix D :...

Documentation of Processes and Procedures for Budgetary Execution and Treasury Management - Ministry of Finance

1998 - FIN/98/8 - KPMG Peat Marwick sarl

Overview - Appropriations Management - Budget Commitment Process - Expenditure Process - Budgetary Payment Process - Revenue Collection - Cashiering (ACD) - Treasury Payments - Accounting – ACD - Financial Reporting – GAD - Controlling and Selling Stamps - Stock Management - Public Notary Control - Appendices - Acronyms Table (Attached) - Documents Reference Table (Table attached, Documents...

The Lebanese Economy (18th Edition)

1998 - ECO/e98/1 - Marwan Iskandar

Introduction Prelude 1. Agriculture 2. Banking Development 3. Construction and Housing 4. The Cost of Living, Employment and Wages 5. Education 6. Energy 7. Environment 8. Industry 9. International Trade and the Balance of Payments 10. Public Finance 11. Reconstruction 12. Transport 13. Outlook for 1999 and the Year 2000

إقتصاد لبنان: رقم ورأي

1998 - ECO/98/1 - إيلي يشوعي

تنظيم الإحتكار في التشريع اللبناني

1998 - TRAD/98/1 - المركز الإستشاري للدراسات والتوثيق

مقدمة الفصل الأول: تدخل الدولة في الحياة الإقتصادية الفصل الثاني: الإحتكار وكيفيته وتنظيمه الفصل الثالث: تنظيم الإحتكار في لبنان خاتمة




























Résultats 241 - 250 de 437