Impact of the Association Agreement with the European Union on the Sectors of Services in Lebanon
Sous la direction de:
Delegation of the European Commission in Lebanon
Jean-Yves Moisseron
Nombre de pages:
1. General Framework of the Negotiation of the Liberalization of the Services in Lebanon
2. Nature of the Impact of the Association Agreements on the Services
2.1. Liberalization and the Opening of the Services are Very Different of the Processes in Work in the Case of the Assets Financial Assets or Commodities?
2.2. Synthesis of the Effects of Service Liberalization
3. Legislative and Regulatory Aspects of the Associating Agreement on the Lebanese Law
3.1. The Pre-Project of Agreement on the Services
3.2. Dubious Amendments of the Lebanese Law
3.3. Difficulty of Considering the Extent of Service Liberalization Induced by the Association Agreement
4. Sectoral Study
4.1. Grid of Reading of the Impact of the Agreement on the Subs sectors
4.2. Services for which the Agreement will have a Short –Term Positive Impact
4.3. Services for which the Agreement will have a Medium-Term Positive Impact
4.4. Services for which the Agreement will have a Low or Zero Impact
5. Why the Positive Aspects of Service Liberalization Override the Negative Aspects in Lebanon
5.1. The Regional Agreements of Lebanon
5.2. Comparison with the Opening Agreements of the Egypt and Tunisia Services