
Trade Efficiency Project: Appendix



الجهة المشرفة:

Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform – Ministry of Economy and Trade – World Bank

الجهة المعدة:

Paul Kimberley and Associates

عدد الصفحات:



1. Lebanon’s Trade by Chapter, 1997 2. Lebanon’s Trade Statistics by HS Section 1997 3. Prohibited Merchandise 4. List of Products Mandatory Certification, MOET 5. Tariff Ranges by Chapter of HS Code 6. Trade Agreements: Lebanon and Other Countries 7. WTO Rules 8. Government Control Tables 9. AL-CHARA’EH 10. Certification Requirements 11. Sample Import License 12. Sample Export License 13. Sample License Application 14. Sample Invoice Submitted with License Application 15. EUR 1 16. GSP Form A(COO) 17. BCCI COO Tariff 18. Industrial Attestation from MOI 19. Sample BCCI COO 20. Sample SAD, English and Arabic 21. Customs Controls and Tariffs from ASYCUDA, NAJM 22. Customs Penalties 23. Port Data 24. Legal Issues Surrounding EDI and Electronic Commerce 25. Meetings Diary, July 20th October 3rd 1998 26. Documents and Papers Read and Consulted 27. Project Contacts 28. Ministerial Contacts



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