


























Results 811 - 820 of 1225

دراسات إحصائية: الأوضاع المعيشية للأسر في منطقة عكار في عام 1997

1998 - DEVD/98/1

الفصل الأول: الخصائص الديموغرافية الفصل الثاني: الخصائص الإجتماعية والإقتصادية الفصل الثالث: خصائص السكان الفصل الرابع: مشاكل النقل ونفقاته الفصل الخامس: التعليم والأقساط المدرسية الفصل السادس: العناية الصحية ونفقاتها الفصل السابع: الدخل ومصادره ال

Directory of Organizations for Post–Conflict Rehabilitation Programme in South Lebanon

1998 - DEVL/a98/1

UN Agencies International NGOs European Union Institutions Islamic NGOs Bilateral Agencies and Governmental Departments Multilateral Agencies Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Commercial Funding Lebanese Diaspora Across The World

Vers un programme de développement économique et social du Sud-Liban: rapport de la phase 1

1998 - DEVL/a98/2 - IAURIF – TEAM International – Consulting and Research Institute – ECODIT

Introduction 1. Les atouts et les faiblesses du secteur 1.1. Les principales données sur le secteur 1.2. La place du secteur dans le contexte proche oriental 1.3. Atouts et faiblesses 2. Les objectifs du programme de développement et leur sensibilité au contexte 2.1. Les incertitudes quant au contexte des prochaines années 2.2. Les objectifs du programme de développement 3. Les grands axes du...

Project Document for a Joint Tuberculosis Control Program in Baalbeck and Hermel

1998 - DEVD/a98/1

Tuberculosis Control Project for Baalbeck and Hermel Main Strategies
 Diagnostic Centers
 Treatment Centers
 Raising Public Awareness

Enhancing the Role of Education and Training Institutions in Socio–Economic Development of Baalbeck–Hermel

1998 - DEVD/a98/2

 Programme Components
A.  Literacy
B.   Population Education
C.  Secondary and Vocational Education

Integrated Rural Development Programme For Baalbeck–Hermel - Rural Credit Component Requirements for the years 2001 (to Consolidate Eradication of Illicit Crops)

1998 - DEVD/a98/3

1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Programme Approach / Immediate Objectives 4. Main Activities and Achievements of the First Phase 1994-1997 5. The Credit System and its Delivery Mechanism 6. The Implementation and Obtained Achievements of the Credit System during the First Phase 7. The Project - Credit Programme for the Coming Years 1997-1999 1. Project Objectives 2. Project Justification 3...

Strategic Options for Lebanon’s Agro–Food Industry in a Dynamic Global Environment: with Specific Reference to Sustainable Rural Development of the Baalbek – Hermel Region

1998 - DEVD/a98/5 - Consultation and Research Institute – The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies

Executive Summary Introduction Chapter 1: Macro-Economic Overview: Profile of The Agriculture and Agro-Food Sectors 1. Macro-Economic Overview 2. The Agricultural Sector 3. The Agro-Food Sector 4. Agricultural Macro-Food / Markets 5. Conclusions Chapter 2: Competitiveness of The Agro-Food Industry In Lebanon 1. The Competitiveness of The Lebanese Agro-Food Industry 1. Factor Conditions 2...

Integrated Rural Development Programme For Baalbeck–Hermel - Poverty and Gender Profile in the Baalbeck – Hermel Region (Project Draft)

1998 - DEVD/a98/6 - Consultation and Research Institute

Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Background 1.1. Content and Scope of the Study 1.2. Responsibilities 2. Methodology of the Field Survey 2.1. Research and Data Collection Tools 2.2. The Field Survey Chapter 2 :Poverty and Gender Profile for the Region 1. Introduction 2. Methodology for the Computation of the Poverty Line 3. Poverty Indicators 3.1. Poverty Lines 3.2. Headcount Index 3.3. Poverty Gap...

Integrated Rural Development Programme For Baalbeck–Hermel - Poverty and Gender Profile in the Baalbeck–Hermel Region Volume I – Report

1998 - DEVD/a98/7 - Consultation and Research Institute

Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Background 1.1. Content and Scope of the Study 1.2. Responsibilities 2. Methodology of the Field Survey 2.1. Research and Data Collection Tools 2.2. The Field Survey Chapter 2: Poverty and Gender Profile for the Region 1. Introduction 2. Methodology for the Computation of the Poverty Line 3. Poverty Indicators 3.1. Poverty Lines 3.2. Headcount Index 3.3. Poverty Gap...




























Results 811 - 820 of 1225
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