


























Results 141 - 150 of 1211

Regulatory Policy: Towards a New Agenda - Pathways to the future

2010 - DEV/10/5 - OECD

Why Better Regulation?
A flagship report : Regulatory Policy and the Road to Sustainable Growth
The need for better rules
What do citizens want
What do businesses want
Rethinking Smart regulation Evaluation :
The new frontier
Keep it simple
Go digital
Keep it open
Keep it fair
The challenge to govern...

Project to Strengthen Local Governance to Activate Administrative Decentralization in Lebanon

2010 - DEVLM/10/1 - Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform - Ministry of Interior and Municipalities

Achievements of the Ministry of State for Administrative Reform (Presentation)

2009 - DEV/09/1 - OMSAR

In the role of the state and the effectiveness of institutions, modernization of legislation and regulations, development of administrative work methods, selection of competent human elements, intensification of preparation and training of workers in public administrations and institutions, generalization of automation, fighting corruption and bribery, establishing the concept of good...

Youth and Public Affairs - Reality and Prospects for Change (Seminars)

2009 - DEV/09/2 - Southern Affairs Magazine

The first symposium: the role of youth in parliamentary elections
The first session: youth and elections: constitutional and legal aspects
The second session: activating the participation of youth in the elections - Professor Fadlullah Hassounah
The second symposium: youth and municipalities: the role and effectiveness
The first session: any role for youth in...

Achievements of the Ministry of Economy and Trade

2009 - DEV/09/3 - Ministry of Economy and Trade

At the level of the trade unit
at the level of the agricultural sector 
at the level of the industrial sector 
at the level of the services sector 
at the level of training courses
at the level of training courses in laws, committees and decrees 
at the level of intellectual property unit
at the level of quality

Issues and opinions on politics, development and economics

2009 - DEV/09/4 - Wasef Sharara

Issues and opinions in politics issues and opinions in the development of the population problem in Lebanon global food security - the weapon of starvation or the weapon of poverty with increased wave of water interruptions and thirst, projects lip and irrigation await implementation after the increase in the series of scandals and bribes, the Council of the South became the subject of...

Report on the projects implemented at the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform for the year 2009

2009 - DEV/09/5 - Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform

The first section
Completed projects in the institutional development unit IDU
Reconsideration of the structures of oversight bodies
Accounting Bureau
Civil Service
Council Central
Reconsidering the structures of public departments
Projects Legal texts for the organization of some public administrations

Presentation and evaluation of the tasks and achievements of the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs - Final Report

2009 - DEV/09/6 - Kevin Brown - Dr. Adnan Iskandar

Introduction: Recognition and approval of administrative development in Lebanon.
Development of the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs.
Presentation of performance in line with national priorities.
Modern administrative capabilities.
Size and costs of public administration.
Modernization of citizen-oriented legislation.




























Results 141 - 150 of 1211