
Integrated Rural Development Programme For Baalbeck–Hermel - Poverty and Gender Profile in the Baalbeck–Hermel Region Volume I – Report






Consultation and Research Institute

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Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Background 1.1. Content and Scope of the Study 1.2. Responsibilities 2. Methodology of the Field Survey 2.1. Research and Data Collection Tools 2.2. The Field Survey Chapter 2: Poverty and Gender Profile for the Region 1. Introduction 2. Methodology for the Computation of the Poverty Line 3. Poverty Indicators 3.1. Poverty Lines 3.2. Headcount Index 3.3. Poverty Gap Index 3.4. Distribution of Income 4. Poverty Profile 4.1. Demographic Characteristics 4.2. Education Characteristics 4.3. Economic Activity 4.4. Income and Consumption Patterns 4.5. Access to Assets 4.6. Living Standards: Household Perception 4.7. Housing Conditions 4.8. Access to Health Services 5. Poverty and Gender 5.1. Education 5.2. Economic Activity 5.3. Income 6. Female Heads of Households 7. Gender Access and Control Profile Chapter 3: Social and Economic Conditions with a Gender Perspective: Main Findings of the Survey 1. Demographic Characteristics 2. Education Characteristics 2.1. Education Enrollment 2.2. Illiteracy 3. Economic Activity 3.1. Employment and Unemployment 3.2. Occupation 3.3. Status in work 3.4. Sect oral Activity 3.5. Secondary Employment 4. Income and Consumption 4.1. Income 4.2. Household Expenditure / Consumption 4.3. Living standards: Household Perception 5. Housing 6. Agricultural Assets 7. Access to Health and Education Services Chapter 4: Review of Available Data 1. Demographic Characteristics 1.1. Population 1.2. Age Structure of the Population 1.3. Family Size 1.4. Marital Status 1.5. Other Demographic Characteristics 2. Access to Physical Infrastructure 2.1. Access to Tap Water 2.2. Source of Potable Water 2.3. Access to Sewage Systems 2.4. Heating Systems 3. Socio-Economic Characteristics 3.1. Education Characteristics 3.2. Labor Force Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations




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