
IRFED Mission - Lebanese development possibilities and needs: preliminary study - Volume I




Ministry of Planning


IRFED Mission

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General Introduction:
A- National cohesion and the role of Beirut
B - The need for some planning and the IRFED study
C - The concept of development
D - The method of analysis used for the regional study or micro-analysis
E - Macro-analysis and some of its problems: population growth, balance of foreign trade and balance of payments
F- The modes and the field of planning positive and negative factors of development
G - Conclusion: the essential actions Part one: Economic and social situation Section A: The population and its income

Chapter I: The Population
A - Evolution and structure
B - Lebanese emigration
C - Location
D - The working population
E - Levels of education

Chapter II: National income
Section A:
A - The evolution and structure of national income
B - An attempt to distribute the population by income category

Section B: Global study by sector Chapter 1: The primary sector: production and markets
A - Natural factors and their use.
B - Primary productions and their structure
C - Costs and returns
D - Agricultural markets: solidity or fragility
E - Population living from agriculture

Annex 1 - Monographs of the cost price of agricultural crops and small livestock
Annex 2 - Number of mills, oil presses and oil mills in 1959
Annex 3 - Tobacco growing
Annex 4 - Agricultural statistics

Chapter III: Mineral, energy and industrial production
A- Mineral resources
B- Energy and industrial production

Chapter IV: Commercial and financial services
A - Foreign trade
B - Balance of payments
C - The internal market
D - Financial services
E - Tourism and summer vacation

Chapter V: Transport
A - The road network
B - The rail network
C - Seaways
D - The airways

Chapter VI: Administrative services and public finances
A - Composition of the state budget
B - Evolution of the state budget
C - Structure of the state budget
D - Capital expenditure and new investments

- List of paintings
- List of graphics
- List of cards
- Table of Contents
- General map of Lebanon




Global Development


The study is available in French

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