


























Results 211 - 220 of 580

A series of evidence on the environment - establishing or investing in farms classified as first / second category

2002 - GUI/a02/2 - Elias Aoun

Administrative documents - technical maps - the competent authority in the ministry - notes - investment

A series of guides on the environment - importing or exporting classified industrial materials and petrochemicals: importing classified industrial materials

2002 - GUI/a02/3 - Elias Aoun

Administrative conditions - the competent authority in the ministry - notes

Series of guides on the environment - land reclamation

2002 - GUI/a02/4 - Elias Aoun

Administrative conditions - the competent authority in the ministry - notes

A series of evidence on the environment - the establishment or investment of industrial enterprises classified as first category

2002 - GUI/a02/5 - Elias Aoun

Administrative documents - technical maps - reports - the competent authority in the ministry - notes

A series of evidence on the environment - the establishment or investment of industrial enterprises classified as a second category

2002 - GUI/a02/6 - Elias Aoun

Administrative documents - technical maps - reports - the competent authority in the ministry - notes

Administrative information about: filing a complaint

2002 - GUI/a02/7 - Elias Aoun

Who submits the complaint The subject of the complaint

Value Added Tax Guide Series - The General Guide

2002 - GUI/c02/1 - Ministry of Finance

Section One: Information about Value Added Tax Section Two: Registration for Value Added Tax Section Three: Taxable Transactions Section Four: Exemption from Tax Section Five: Exempt Operations with the Right to Deduct: Export and Similar Transactions Section Six: Basis for Imposing Tax Section Seventh: Right to Deduct and Refund Value Added Tax Section Eight: Bookkeeping and Organizing...

Value Added Tax Guide Series - Registration Guide

2002 - GUI/c02/2 - Ministry of Finance

Chapter One: Information About Value Added Tax What is value added tax? What are the taxable operations? What are the taxable transactions at the zero percent rate (exempt with the right to deduction)? Chapter Two: Registration for Value Added Tax Who is the taxable person? What is the business number that requires registration (mandatory registration)? How is the number of taxable workers...

Value Added Tax Guide Series - Accounting Guide

2002 - GUI/c02/3 - Ministry of Finance

Introduction Section One: What are the accounting books to be kept? 1. Organizing accounting documents 2. Invoice 3. Receipt 4. Deduction notice Section Two: Accounting entries for VAT registered 1. How to calculate value added tax 2. Purchases of goods and services 3. Import of goods and services 4. Tax paid on expenses 5. Handing over money or services to oneself 6. Sales 7. Discounts 8...

Justice conference documents and keep up with the times

2002 - JUS/02/1

The first axis: Justice and civil society 1. Judges and guarantees for litigants 2. The role of the Ministry of Justice in organizing the judicial administration 3. The role of civil society towards the judiciary The second axis: Justice and judicial suffocation The third axis: Justice and future challenges




























Results 211 - 220 of 580