In view of the lack of coordination and commitment of proper sectors, redundant sectorial policies and strategies are currently available. This proves that the concerned administrations have always opted for the easier choice as many costly studies were often re-contracted out and sometimes for the same companies instead of being updated and completed.
In view of the above mentioned reasons, a project has been launched by the Minister Fouad El Saad at the beginning of February 2002 in order to create at OMSAR the Center of Public Sector projects and Studies. 

This Center is in charge of establishing in Lebanon a unified database that includes all the studies conducted in the public sector.
For this purpose, a team was set up in order to collect all the studies available in the public administrations and public agencies.

The continuous follow up of the team led to the following achievements:

- Gathering more than 5500 volumes in Arabic, French, and English from all departments and public institutions, some international organizations and universities, private sector institutions, NGO’s, and consulting companies.
- Documenting these studies and projects and issuing an index that was distributed to all Senior officers and decision makers. 
- Creating a website that included all the information already gathered, as well as all the studies subsequently received from the public administrations. Each study has a brief summary of its purpose and content.
Changing the current approach in conducting studies in the public sector to adopt a new policy based on the analysis and evaluation of existing data before
launching any new project/study.
- Allowing researchers and stakeholders in the public and private sector to use the available information in their research and studies.
- Providing the decision makers and senior staff in the public administration with access to existing studies and relevant documents to help them optimize the use of existing resources in developing their sectoral studies and plans.
Transparency To provide information for citizens about what their government is doing in terms of studies and planning.
 Coordination Promote the exchange of data by facilitating communication and coordination between government bodies.
 Innovation We are committed to continuously developing new ways to meet our service users' needs and requirements.
 Culture Change We are using every opportunity in our interactions both internally and externally to promote the importance and use of data collection, consultation and analysis in designing government development projects.
 Fighting corruption By implementing the PCM circulars mentioned above, we are diminishing the possibility of replication of the public sector studies which ultimately reduce the inefficiency of public funds use.